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C4: Crack the Case Crash Course
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C4 Course Outline
Tips for Using C4
Course Workbook
Pre-Module: Optimize Your Time (3:51)
Homework: Set Your Goals
MBACASE Scorecard
Ask David
Resource Library
Step 1: Communication - Engage your Interviewer from the First Moment
1..0: Introduction to Communication (3:41)
1.10 Answer First (1 of 2) (4:09)
1.11 Answer First (2 of 2) (3:14)
1.12 Case Clip: WOW! Watch Catherine give 3 versions of her story (2:58)
1.13 Case Clip: Great Warm-up Responses (0:43)
1.14 Case Clip: Answer First with a "Command and Control" Style (0:31)
1.15 Homework: Answer First Impact Stories
1.20 Present! (1 of 2) (4:59)
1.21 Present! (2 of 2) (2:51)
1.22 Case Clip: Great Recaps (2:16)
1.23 Homework: Present!
Step 2: Communication - Unlock Insights Quickly with 2 Key Habits
1.30 Be Case Specific (1 of 2) (5:40)
1.31 Be Case Specific (2 of 2) (5:16)
1.32 Case Clip: Think Case Specifically with America's Pantry Case (0:45)
1.33 Case Clip: Case Specific Brainstorming with America's Pantry (2:42)
1.34 Case Specific Brainstorming with RGH Case (1:14)
1.35 Homework: Brainstorm Case Specific Words
1.40 Take Great Notes (7:04)
1.41 David's Note Taking Examples
1.42 Case Clip: Candidates Take Notes (2:27)
1.43 Homework: Sample Notes by Case Type
1.50 Communication Recap (2:55)
Step 3: Structure - Create a Winning Plan of Attack
Introduction to Structure (4:01)
2.10 Block, Break, Ask: Part 1 of 3 (7:51)
2.11 Case Clip: 3 Case Starts (4:53)
2.12 Homework: Blocks by Case Type
2.20 Block, Break, Ask: Part 2 of 3 (3:42)
2.21 Case Clip: Great Splits (1:38)
2.22 Homework: Break - Be a Split Master
2.30 Block, Break, Ask: Part 3 of 3 (3:51)
2.31 Case Clip: America's Pantry Example "ASK" (4:33)
2.32 Homework: Ask - Develop Data Driven Questions
2.40 Create Profit Trees (7:27)
2.41 Case Clip: America's Pantry Example (4:53)
2.42 Homework: Create Profit Trees
Step 4: Structure - Conquer the 7 Most Common Case Types (Part 1 of 2)
2.50 Use an Integrated Thinking Model (4:29)
2.51 Learn the MVM (7:27)
2.53 Homework: Build Your Integrated Model
2.60 Case Roadmaps: Introduction (3:52)
2.61 Roadmap 1 Merge, Acquire, Joint Venture: Part 1 of 2 (4:19)
2.612 Roadmap 1 Merge, Acquire, Joint Venture: Part 2 of 2 (5:45)
2.613 Homework: Roadmap 1 - Case Start
2.62 Roadmap 2 Growth Strategy: Part 1 of 2 (4:18)
2.622 Roadmap 2 Growth Strategy: Part 2 of 2 (5:04)
2.623 Homework: Roadmap 2 - Case Start
2.63 Roadmap 4 Enter a New Geography or Market (6:30)
2.631 Homework: Roadmap 4 - Case Start
2.632 Roadmap 3 New Business or Product (3:56)
2.633 Homework: Roadmap 3 - Case Start
Step 5: Structure - Conquer the 7 Most Common Case Types (Part 2 of 2)
2.64 Roadmap 8 Streamline a Process: Part 1 of 2 (2:50)
2.642 Roadmap 8 Streamline a Process Part 2 of 2 (4:01)
2.643 Homework: Roadmap 8 - Case Start
2.65 Roadmap 12 Competitor Attack: Part 1 of 2 (3:25)
2.652 Roadmap 12 Competitor Attack: Part 2 of 2 (3:49)
2.653 Homework: Roadmap 12 - Case Start
2.66 Roadmap 13 Market Shift (4:47)
2.663 Homework: Roadmap 13 - Case Start
2.70 Present Your Plan: Part 1 of 2 (6:31)
2.71 Present Your Plan: Part 2 of 2 (5:19)
2.90 Structure Recap (1:56)
Step 6: Analysis - Dive into the Data Pool
3.0 Introduction to Analysis (3:27)
3.10 Anticipate the Data - Part 1 of 2 (8:37)
3.11 Anticipate the Data: Part 2 of 2 (2:34)
3.12 Homework: Anticipate Data
3.20 Dive Your Way into Data (4:59)
3.21 Talk Your Way In (3:57)
3.22 Homework: Dive In Phrases
3.30 Grab that Data! (3:49)
3.31 Grab that Data! America's Pantry Example (5:24)
3.32 Grab that Data! RGH Example (2:36)
3.33A Case Clip: Interviewer Gives Data Dump for AP and RGH (2:34)
3.33B Case Clip: Data for AP and RGH (Off-Point Responses) (1:36)
3.33C Case Clip: Data for AP and RGH (Average) (1:31)
3.33D Case Clip: Data for AP and RGH (Great) (2:58)
3.33E Case Clip: David's comments on data dump moments for AP and RGH (1:57)
3.33F Case Clip: David Gives Data Table Dump for RGH (3:04)
3.33G Case Clip: RGH Data Table Response (Off-Point) (1:29)
3.33H Case Clip: RGH Data Table Response (Average) (1:38)
3.33I Case Clip: RGH Data Table Response (Great) (4:56)
3.33J Case Clip: Getting Insights from the Data (David's Tips) (0:46)
3.34 Homework: Grab That Data
Step 7: Analysis - Master your Mental Math & Slide Reading
3.40 Push Your Mental Math (5:44)
3.41 Mental Math: Tattoo Redo Example (5:48)
3.42 Mental Math: Junkyard Arcade Example (5:35)
3.50 Slides, Slides, Slides - Overview (8:30)
3.51 Slides, Slides, Slides: Part 1 of 2 (4:50)
3.52 Slides, Slides, Slides: Part 2 of 2 (4:30)
3.53 Implement (2:56)
3.54 Case Clip: WOW Slide Data (3 Responses) (1:02)
3.55 Case Clip: WOW Interviewer Questions Slide Data (3 Responses) (2:09)
3.56 Case Clip: WOW Interviewer Questions Price & Volume (3 Responses) (2:01)
3.57 Homework: Slide Reading with
3.60 Analysis Recap (1:37)
Step 8: Integration - Get to Insights Faster with Advanced Techniques
4.0 Introduction to Integration (4:22)
4.10 Finding Insights (4:52)
4.11 Insights: WOW Foods Example (5:03)
4.12 Case Clip: WOW - Integrating Data & Insights (2:27)
4.13 Finding Insights: RGH Example (4:44)
4.14 Finding Insights: America's Pantry Example (2:14)
4.20 Create Mid-case Structures (4:07)
4.21 Mid-case Structures: RGH Example (6:13)
4.22 Mid-case Structures: America's Pantry Example - Part 1 of 3 (2:14)
4.23 Mid-case Structures: America's Pantry Example - Part 2 of 3 (3:22)
4.24 Mid-case Structures: America's Pantry Example - Part 3 of 3 (3:12)
4.25A Case Clip: Mid-Case Structures in RGH (3 Responses) (4:35)
4.25B Case Clip: Using your mid-case structure to find more insights (Great) (1:51)
4.25C Case Clip: Mid-case Structures in AP (Using a 2x2) (2:58)
4.26 Homework: Practice Drawing Mid-case Structures
Step 9: Integration - Confidently Close your Cases
4.30 Finish Strong: Part 1 of 2 (3:41)
4.31 Finish Strong: Part 2 of 2 (8:10)
4.32A Case Clip: AP & RGH Wrap it Up! (Off-Point) (1:13)
4.32B Case Clip: Wrap it Up! WOW Foods (Off-Point) (0:52)
4.32C Case Clip: Wrap it Up! on All 3 Cases (Average) (1:56)
4.32D Case Clip: Wrap it Up! on All 3 Cases (Great) (3:29)
4.32E Case Clip: Wrap it Up! (David's Tips) (2:53)
4.33 Homework: Practice Closing Cases
4.40 Integration Recap (1:16)
Step 10: Full-length Case Interview Videos - Take your Cases from Ordinary to Outstanding
WOW Foods: Full-length Interview (26:21)
WOW Foods - Data Handout
America's Pantry: Full-length Interview (29:13)
America's Pantry - Case Question & Data Review Notes
Remington Global Holdings (RGH): Full-length Interview (39:56)
RGH - Case Question and Data Review Notes
2.652 Roadmap 12 Competitor Attack: Part 2 of 2
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